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data center migration

Accredited Tier Designer Eligibility

The Uptime Institute Accredited Tier Designer is intended for licensed Professional Engineers with a design management role for data centers and similar technology projects. The program provides the multiple-disciplinary concepts necessary to achieve project design objectives based on the Uptime Institute Tier Standards criteria. The curriculum crosses traditional engineering-discipline

data center migration

A Comprehensive Checklist for Data Center Migration

Preparing for the Data Center Migration As with any venture in life, it is always best to come prepared. Coming up with a sound plan allows businesses to track their progress and manage their expectations. Before the data center migration, enterprises should have everything planned. They should be able to grasp the idea of the things that are involved in the move. It

data center migration

Indonesian Data Center Market Forecasts 2020-2025

The Indonesia data center market is required to develop at a CAGR of around 11% during the time frame 2019-2025.  This report considers the current situation of the data center market in Indonesia and its market elements for the conjecture time frame 2020-2025. It covers a nitty gritty outline of a few development empowering agents, restrictions, and patterns. The investigation

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Prosedur Kunjungan Pelanggan ke Ruangan Data Center ISC

Pelanggan harus mengajukan permintaan akses minimal 24 jam sebelum kunjungan melalui email atau whatsapp. Permintaan harus disertai dengan alasan kunjungan dan daftar nama orang yang akan masuk. Formulir permintaan akses harus diisi dan

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data center news

Smart Strategies: Various Ways to Secure Company Data Assets in the Digital Era

In today's digital age, data is of utmost importance. Advancing technology relies on data to move forward. Data is the key to streamlining various

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The Secret to Building a Good and Efficient Data Center: Key Tips for Business Professionals!

In today's business landscape, data has become an incredibly valuable asset. Therefore, it's crucial for business professionals to prioritize the efficient and

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Why is Data Center Location a Consideration?

The location factor is an important thing that companies need to pay attention to before choosing partners, apart from price, scalability, and data center uptime or reliability. A good choice of location means

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Why the Government Should Utilize Data Center Services?

More and more government agencies have embraced digital technology since the government launched its E-government policy in 2003. E-government is defined as the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to

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